Gestational diabetes and its consequences

Due to an increase in maternal obesity, gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is becoming more widespread all over the world. Although several procedures to screening for and diagnosing GDM have been published, there is no consensus on which methods are the most successful. GDM provides serious short- and long-term health risks to the mother, developing foetus, […]
Gestational diabetic mellitus in India

India has long been renowned as the world’s diabetic capital, and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is far more prevalent there than elsewhere. Diabetic women, particularly pregnant and lactating women, are widely acknowledged as being among the most susceptible. According to studies, BPA can affect circulating hormone levels, cardiovascular health, obesity, reproductive health in men and […]
What is Diabetes and its Prevention?

India is the second most affected with 77 million people diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic disease that is caused due to inadequate insulin production in the pancreas or when the insulin produced is not utilized by the body the right way. Insulin is responsible for converting glucose into energy. When this glucose is […]